Leg Vein Treatment

Varicose or spider veins in the legs

Varicose or spider veins in the legs appear along the surface of the skin in clusters and are visible below the skin. Leg veins can be treated using laser treatments to send short bursts of light onto the vein until the vein begins to fade or disappears completely. 

No injections are required during treatment. Patients may experience some discomfort from the laser's heat depending on the type and intensity of the laser used, as well the size of the treatment area and severity of the varicose or spider veins. Redness or swelling may occur at the treatment site for a few days after treatment. It is important not to be tan during the course of leg vein treatments and to protect the area from the sun afterward.

Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Lynne Haven specializes in laser treatments at her Connecticut practice and can help patients determine the safest and most effective treatment option for their needs.
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